COLTON- calls an ambilical cord "ambilican cord" and he calls the announcers stand at the rodeo the "ansibuh" stand
KALLIE- says for HEAP sakes instead of for Petes sakes, she calls the hair pin curve at the ranch, the red man curve. AND yesterday we drove up to the house, ya know the one we have lived in for over a year now)...and said sooo exitedly "MAMA HOW DO WE GET UP TO THOSE ROOMS?" pointing to the 2 FAKE dormers on the house!
CADE- where do I begin? he said yesterday that he was shy. I asked him what is shy? He said "shy is when you ride the heck out a broncs and go to kindergarden when you are 5" Ya I don't know about him...Our 2 neighbor boys names are Utah, and Riggin. He calls both of them RIGTAH... His favorite song at the moment, because he is 3 and should have a favorite song .....i guess is "CHicken Fried", it is the second song on my play list, and that is the only reason it is on my play list... He went for a 4wheeler ride with our Bishop and his kids yesterday, and all I could hear him saying is "you guys know my faroite song?..A little bit of chicky fry, a cold coke (beer but we make him say coke) on a Friday night...he was singing CHICKY FRY the whole way!!
BIRDIE- Has started to be an escapee...Yesterday, she was headed out almost to Ann's wearing her PJ's a purse on each arm, a purple head band and a beanie I have to lock the doors to keep her from getting out. Yesterday again she made it all the way over there!...I told Cade to run and get her this morning because she was headed out!! She wouldn't come, so he DRUG her all the way, screaming and fighting. Also, she has started to say tainte ew for thank you, anc CACA when she poops, CACA for Colton, and CACA for Kallie.
Here she is standing on the dishwasher, to see what is going on up on the counter. She can open it, and pull the drawers out. She gets so mad if there are dishes in it, because it makes her ladder not so functional.
She also enjoys hanging from her car in the front yard, instead of driving it. Try to take it down and see what is not pretty!!
We are raising some fun kids!! We are loving our new 25 chickens! Trying to keep their lives in tact with Cade around, it's pretty hard!
I want you to know I got your message and I appriciate the apology. We will talk soon.
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