Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I forgot some funny stuff on my last post about cade like:
On Valentine's Day he woke up. He was sleeping with Ashley.He said I'm gunna get up now. Ashely said ok...oh look Nana got me a Valentine. He said Oh Look I got one too!! It's Valentines Day, Get out the Christmas tree!!! YEAH!!!
Cade has some new and not real friends. One is Miss Bailee, his school teacher who always gives him candy and treats and tells him he knows all of his colors. The others are Mikey and Ben. Mikey has a real cranky grandma that sometimes calls and makes him go home. Ben is strictly here for fun. Ben causes all the messes and anything related to trouble. It kinda reminds me of Kallie. SHe had 2 imanginary friends for a long time. Tree and Corn. Is it just me or is this not normal...???


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh. I almost passed out laughing. where in the world did you get this kid from!! haha atleast he has an imaginary friend named after me. That gives him candy and tells him he knows his colors hahaha
oh my gosh misty i love your kids! haha

love, bailee

Brady & Jessica said...

Yes your kids are so funny... And sweet. I don't know how you and Joshua ended up with such good kids. I guess there's hope for me and Brady! So I love the picture of Josh sporting the Bull testicles. These guys will never change - I love that about em. Also I would like to warn you about Josh eating the "oysters" in Texas. Remember what happened when he ate "pistols" in the Bahamas? Don't say you weren't warned! So let me know about camping at Strayhorse. Oh yeah - that boy of mine LOVES the pink swing... THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!

Adrianne said...

Please tell Cade that Gabe is sOOOOO excited to come play with his CAKA cousins, and he can't wait to ride the Cade's pony.

oh, and if your son aready thinks all food is shot, I'm going to go with the NOT moving to a ranch option.

oh,and i made the mistake of watching the bullball video while eating. now I want to vomit.